Punch Needle & Primitive Stitcher Magazine is the first needlework publication dedicated to those stitchers who are avid cross stitch and punch needle enthusiasts. Designs are in the primitive,
folk, and whimsical styles.
Four times a year, you will receive the newest issue of Punch Needle & Primitive Stitcher Magazine, and you can cancel or put your subsciption on hold at any time!
PNPS Magazine is published 4 times per year with issues for: spring, summer, fall and a special Mega-Issue loaded with Christmas & Winter projects ~ all for your stitching pleasure! Even though the Christms/winter issue is a mega issue, you will still receive a discount off the regular price for being a subscriber! Your order will process the regular subscripton rate of $16.50 with a small addition charge of $9.50+tax for the special Christmas/Winter issue (Regular $28.95).
Type of Product: Subscriptions - Magazine