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    Rainbow Gallery - Silk Lame 18ct

    Silk Lame 13 For 18 Count (SL) Needlepoint 16-18 Count Long Stitch 13-16 Count
    Cross Stitch 11-16 Count 72% Silk, 18% Rayon, 10% Metalized Polyester 10 Yards (9.1 Meters) Hand Washable, Test First Made in USA

    For 13 Count (LB) Needlepoint 10-14 Count Long Stitch 12-16 Count
    Cross Stitch 7-11 Count 72% Silk, 18% Rayon, 10% Metalized Polyester 8 Yards Hand Washable, Test First Made in USA
    A mix of silk and metallic together give your design a wonderful sparkle.
    You can use it as is off the card for stitching, no plying necessary. 18 count contains four strands of silk and four metallic filaments braided together. 13 count is a blend of eight strands of silk and eight metallic filaments.
    Makes a beautiful twisted cord and tassel for finishing.

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