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    Rainbow Gallery - Splendor Designer Collections

    There are seven Splendor Designer Collection Cards, by Rainbow Gallery available in the following colour groups:
    For facial futures use SC1 and SC2
    For Christmas colours use SC3
    For Santa's rosy cheeks use SC4
    For Halloween colours use SC5
    For beautiful blue and white skies there is SC6
    For eye colours use SC7.

    Each collection card holds six beautiful colours of 12-ply strand 100% silk floss.
    The first six collections have 2 yards (1.8m) each of six coordinated colours. Bright Eyes has 1 yard each of twelve colours.
    Each strand of Splendor is twisted individualy tighter than most silks and for that reason it is easy to use, snagging will occur only with stitchers that have rough hands.
    It is important to ply and lay the strand flat before stitching to keep the beautiful sheen.
    Stitchers who use floss will find a joy to work with Splendor.
    We suggest using 6 strands on 14 count, 4 strands on 18 count and 2 strands on Congress Cloth.
    Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum uses Splendor colours on some of her Lavender & Lace Designs.