Handy no-sew adhesive that permanently bonds fabric to fabric. Drys clear and flexible. Fast drying and washable. Great for costumes, home dec and craft projects. Works on all weights of fabric from very sheer to heavy duty. Instructions: Protect work surface with a paper towel. Unscrew cap. Tube is ready to use.Use a straight pin to clean clogged nozzle. Replace cap when tube is not in use. Gently squeeze tube from bottom directly onto back of fabric. Smooth adhesive with finger or small brush. (Washes off finger easily) If hemming or positioning an applique apply adhesive within entire hem or applique area making sure adhesive is spread evenly to outer edge of fabric. Use gentle finger pressure to position applique or overlap hem. Allow bond to set a few minutes then apply heavy finger pressure and allow to set 30 minutes before ironing or wearing. DO NOT WASH FOR 24 HOURS AFTER BONDING Metal hair clips are ideal to hold hems or applique in place while adhesive sets. Pins can be used on heavy fabrics,
Type of Product: Quilting Notions