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Thumbnail Filmstrip of Hanging Around for Christmas Book 411 - Cross Stitch Chart Images
Designer/Publisher: Stoney Creek CollectionAdorable companion pieces of "Puppies in Stockings" and "Kittens in Mittens" are Hanging Around for Christmas.
The complete "Puppies in Stockings" design has a stitch count of 277w x 127h for an approximate design size of 19 3/4" x 9" when stitched on 14 ct. Aida or 28 ct. fabric over 2 treads.
The complete "Kittens in Mittens" design has a stitch count of 288w x 102h for an approximate design size of 20 1/2" x 7 1/4" when stitched on 14ct. Aida or 28 ct. fabric over 2 threads. Of course, you can pick just one or two puppies or kittens to stitch separately, too.
Type of Product: Needle Art Charts & Kits