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    Valdani Pearl Cotton - Sizes 5, 8, 12

    Size 5 (heavy) - For: Stitching, Quilting, Bobbin Work, Crochet, Rug-Hooking, Tassel and Fringe-Making. 42m / 10g per ball

    Size 8 (medium weight) - For: Stitching, Hand Quilting, Appliqué, Crochet, heavier punch needle, Rug-Hooking, Bobbin Work. 67m / 10g per ball

    Size 12 (the finest) - For: patterns where you want a finer thread for more definition, in Embroidery, Stitching, Quilting, Crochet, punch needle, heavier Tatting. 100m / 10g per ball

    Note: Due to the hand dyed process and variations in monitor settings, colours may vary.

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